WHY we teach what we teach?

Landon School is a specialist school for children with Severe Learning Difficulties and Autism. Our curriculum is set in the context of a multi-tiered curriculum approach (Equals, 2021), recognising that

differentiation from England’s National Curriculum is not sufficient

to meet the needs of children with severe or global learning difficulties and prepare them for secondary, adulthood (PFA) and life beyond school.

Preparation for Adulthood (PFA)

Our curriculum has strong links with Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) outcomes and Independence builds cumulatively towards supporting these: Employment, Independent Living, Community Participation, Friendships & Relationships.

Life Beyond the School

What skills should our students have to ensure their preparedness for this evening, the weekend, or the forthcoming holidays?

Communicating Needs & Wants


Emotional Regulation


Problem Solving

Be Safe

Social Skills

