Landon Harmondsworth School provides education for autistic children. It supports students in achieving the goal of leading a happy and full, independent adult life. Landon Harmondsworth School believes passionately that every child has the right to maximise their potential, irrespective of their starting point in life.

With a group of highly qualified and experienced specialist educators, we make students the priority in all our decisions and ensure a safe and caring environment. To help our students achieve, we innovate to use best educational practices with the aim of becoming a leading Special school in the UK.


Landon Harmondsworth School seeks to improve continuously, innovating with best educational practice. We wish to be recognised as a leading specialist school in the UK by providing each student with the best possible life that they can lead.


Caring, Student-Centred, Ambitious


To educate 5-11 year old children with ASC so they can reach their maximum potential, irrespective of their starting point in life. Integrating academic, therapeutic and social approaches, we aim to support our students on their journey to a happy and independent adult life.

Teaching & Learning

At Landon Harmondsworth School, we tailor teaching and learning experiences to suit each individual.

Our curriculum is organised into three distinct pathways—Informal, Semi-formal, and Formal. Each of these has its own specific pedagogical approach tailored to address the collective needs of the pupils within that pathway. This approach is further personalised to a greater extent to meet the specific needs of each individual pupil.

Landon Harmondsworth School excels in catering to ASC pupils. Alongside our highly personalised curriculum, we ground our practices in evidence-based frameworks. Our commitment extends to following the guidance provided by the National Autistic Society, ensuring a comprehensive fulfilment of ASC pupils’ needs.

Our Teaching

Meet the School Leadership


Javier de la Fuente

Head of Landon Harmondsworth School

Dear Visitor,

I extend my warmest greetings to you all, as we embark on a significant journey with the opening of Landon Harmondsworth School for autistic children. We recognise the immense responsibility of nurturing young people and are committed to providing an environment that fosters growth, learning, and development.

We celebrate our learners’ differences and uniqueness and put the children at the centre of our practice. Our highly differentiated curriculum is designed to engage, inspire, and empower. We pride ourselves on the excellent practices and research-based approach we use to support our learners to overcome their challenges and achieve their full potential.

We recognise the importance of collaboration, and our multi-disciplinary approach ensures a strong partnership with parents, families and external agencies. Together, we create a support network that embraces each student’s unique journey, providing the tools and guidance needed to thrive in their lives.

At Landon Harmondsworth School, our community’s well-being is also a profound commitment, and at the heart of this dedication lies our outreach program. Through this initiative, we aim to leave a lasting and positive impact within our community. By working in close collaboration with mainstream schools, local partners, parents, and community members, we are poised to provide specialised support, ensuring that all learners have the opportunity to thrive.

I invite you to explore our website to gain insights into the enriching educational journey we offer at Landon Harmondsworth School. Please feel free to reach out with any inquiries or to learn more about how you can be a part of our mission.

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of educating your children. I look forward to working alongside each of you to create a school that makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our students.

Warm regards,

Signature Javier

Message from our Founder


Andy Thompson


Having participated in discussion groups with parents of autistic children, it was clear that parents were still looking for the right educational solution for their children. On one hand, many parents are still struggling to secure an EHC Plan for their child. On the other hand, even those parents whose children have an EHC Plan, are still struggling to find a school that truly meets their child’s needs. Parents fight through endless hurdles and obstacles to get their children into the right school, turning their frustration into tenacity.

As a father of 5 children, it is impossible not to be deeply affected and humbled by the underlining helplessness of these parents’ current struggle. Our name “Landon” is 7th century old English, meaning a “long hill” (lang dūn); representing the challenging path that parents of Autistic children are often forced to face.

Landon Education therefore aims to provide an important contribution to providing better educational solutions for Autistic children. We have much to be positive about. Our first school at Harmondsworth is well located, as it can be reached by many of the London Boroughs and Home Counties.

Our leadership is not only experienced in setting up and managing well-run schools, but also having a significant specialist competence and experience in developing Autistic children. We look forward to supporting you on the journey up the “long hill”.

Supporting The Community

Landon Outreach Partnerships

Our outreach programme is driven by a deep commitment to positively impact our community. By working hand in hand with mainstream schools, we aim to empower learners, educators, and families.

Our tailored interventions will ensure autistic pupils receive the specialised support they need to excel within mainstream educational settings, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and empathetic community that embraces neurodiversity. Explore our programme and join us on this transformative journey.

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“It is an honour to share my testimonial about Javier and to recommend him as Head. He worked with my son, Nimaro, who has severe autism, is 100% non-verbal and with complex health needs. Within a year he equipped my son with a necessary and powerful tool to have a voice. Seeing my son so happy to know he is be able to communicate his needs was positively transformative in all areas of his life. Javier's genuine interest in his students' wellbeing speaks volumes about his humanity. My son was very lucky to have him and we will always remember his wonderful contribution.”

Ageno Ochola, mother of Nimaro

“Javier is a highly experienced individual who is able to inspire others with his knowledge, ethics and ambition. He is an inspirational leader who can confidently guide his team with honesty, integrity and passion. Javier always strives to achieve the best outcomes for the children and young people in his care.”

Anita Bancerz, Head of Kensington Queensmill School (Autism Specialist School)

"What differentiates Andy from other educational leaders is his attention to setting up avenues and processes whereby there is a constant two way interaction between the school and parents, both so that the schools can inform on student progress and for parents to learn more about their child's school life. This is how he helps to build trust with the community during the many years that we have worked together on school development."
Laszlo Zlatarov

Laszlo Zlatarov, Investor in Education

"I've been working with Andy over a six year period in two of his schools that are thriving in Hungary. Andy's commitment to ensuring a student-centred approach is present when he consistently insists that all decisions must answer the question, "Will this decision make our school better for students?"
Lisa Gillespie

Lisa Gillespie, Former Director of Education, English School of Budapest

"From the outset, Andy's directive has been that providing a safe and caring environment for our primary and middle school aged children is our number one priority. He continuously supports this with investment into training, resources and facility improvement, as we request."
Dr Nici Wood

Dr Nici Wood, Senior School Director, British-Hungarian School, Budapest

“As the  School Board President, Andy led our Board of Trustees and supported our Senior Leadership Team to set ambitious targets and create clear educational plans on how we were going to achieve them.  During his time in leadership, we made bold investments in academics and facilities which transformed the learning experience and raised achievement for our student body of 900 plus students .”
Mark Pingitore

Mark Pingitore, School Director, American School of Barcelona, Spain



Landon will extend the provision in future years to older age groups so that our students can benefit from the continuity and stability of their Landon School experience. We have already identified further space on the same school site that we can use for more classes.

Most parents will need to get local authority funding to pay for the specialist education that Landon provides. However, those parents who can pay fees should inquire directly at the school.

In The Classroom

Our classes’ typical student-to-teacher ratio is designed to be eight learners to four staff members. However, it is essential to note that this ratio is flexible and can be adjusted based on the unique needs of each class. We prioritise tailoring the balance to ensure optimal support and individualized attention for every student.

We support autistic children only. Our programme, curriculum, systems, classrooms, facilities, staff and their qualifications /experience are all designed to help this need. The whole school organisation is centred on your child’s challenges—100% focus.

We place a strong emphasis on supporting children with autism during transitions. We offer a comprehensive settling-in period tailored to each child’s individual needs. Recognising that transitions can be challenging for autistic children, our approach is fully individualised, with continuous support provided throughout the process. We employ social stories, transition days, and personalised timetables to ensure a smooth and successful transition for the children and their families. We aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment that addresses each child’s unique needs during this crucial adjustment period.

All our staff have experience and are highly trained in autism-specific approaches (e.g. the SCERTS approach). We ensure that each team member is well equipped with the latest research-based strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes.

At Landon School, we prioritise differentiation through our three curriculum pathways. These pathways are carefully designed to guarantee that every young person in our care can access learning experiences tailored to their unique needs and abilities. By offering distinct curriculum options, we aim to create an inclusive and supportive educational environment where each student can thrive and reach their full potential.

We aim to create an all-encompassing structure that addresses behaviours of concern by promoting a higher Quality of Life (QoL), fostering inclusion, and encouraging active participation. This approach focuses on understanding the underlying function or reason behind specific behaviours, allowing us to create tailored, evidence-based plans to meet each individual’s unique requirements. Restrictive practices and physical interventions are strictly limited and reserved as a last resort, adhering to the ‘There Is No Alternative’ (TINA) principle. We encourage a culture of reflective practice that fosters positive and proactive staff support, utilising strategies informed by autism awareness. Please refer to our Encouraging Positive Behaviour policy for further information.

About Landon Harmondsworth School

Certainly! Our school is proud to announce that our entire building has been meticulously designed to cater to the specific needs of autistic children. This renovation was carried out in strict adherence to the guidance provided by the National Autistic Society. As part of this transformation, we have two dedicated sensory rooms, amongst other facilities, providing a calming and sensory friendly environment. Our school also features a well-equipped library, two recreational playgrounds, and spacious classrooms. These specialised facilities aim to create an inclusive and comfortable learning space, ensuring every child can thrive and reach their full potential.

At Landon School, we understand that some autistic children may have specific preferences when it comes to clothing. While we have a uniform with a child-friendly design that considers sensory processing differences, we fully acknowledge and respect individual preferences. Feel free to explore more details about uniforms in our dedicated section.

Landon School provides education for KS1-2 children diagnosed with autism. Our availability will depend on the number of spaces and the child’s needs. Please see our admissions policy for further information.

We prioritise the well-being of our community by having staff members trained as first aiders. While we don’t provide medical services on-site, we are prepared to offer immediate assistance and ensure a swift response to any health-related concerns. In emergencies, our trained first aiders are ready to provide initial support until professional medical help arrives.

Our commitment to your child’s safety is paramount, guided by rigorous standards outlined in UK safeguarding protocols. Our comprehensive approach includes stringent staff vetting, regular training in safeguarding procedures, and maintaining a secure and monitored environment. We have clear policies to address any concerns promptly and effectively, and our staff is well-versed in recognising and responding to potential safeguarding issues. We promote an open line of communication with parents and ensure that everyone in our school community plays a role in creating a safe and nurturing learning environment for your child. Please refer to our safeguarding policy for further information.


We recognise the importance of fostering a collaborative and supportive relationship with families. To support parents, we regularly organise informative workshops covering various aspects of autism and the strategies employed at our school. These workshops serve as valuable resources for parents to understand better and navigate their children’s unique challenges and strengths. Additionally, coffee mornings provide a relaxed and informal setting for parents to connect, share experiences, and build community. These gatherings offer an opportunity for open dialogue and the exchange of valuable insights.

Parents and guardians actively contribute to their children’s education and our school community through regular communication (e.g. home-school diary, phone calls), one-on-one meetings, and participation in events like workshops and coffee mornings. We encourage their involvement in volunteering and special events, fostering a collaborative and supportive educational environment for all students.


Absolutely, we have a comprehensive approach to therapy at our schools. We will always meet the therapeutic provision outlined in pupils’ EHC Plans. Therapy sessions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and can be delivered on an individual or group basis, depending on the preference and requirements of the student, as stated on their EHCPs. We’ve carefully woven therapy into our curriculum to ensure seamless integration into the learning experience. Our therapists collaborate with teachers to align therapeutic activities with classroom lessons, creating a cohesive and supportive educational environment. This integration not only enhances the effectiveness of the therapy but also promotes the application of newly acquired skills within the academic setting.

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